Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back to running.....I'm currently training from my first full marathon! Yikes, I am scared to death!  I have a solid training plan from Runners World Magazine, but it's still a little scary. I've never run further than 13.1 and I've get to run further than 10 miles by myself.  What was I thinking signing up for this!!  I know what I was thinking, BIG GOALS, the BIGGER the BETTER.  I've always been a goal setter, I can't seem to move forward in my life with out something to work towards.  One would think after 40 years I would have learned that these goals don't have to be so lofty, Yeah, but then what's the point ;)

SOOOO... here my issue for the week.
I have a Morton's neuroma in my right foot.  It's basically an inflamed nerve between the toes and it's very painful.  I havent had a flare up in almost a year and now it's BACK! Really right in the middle of 26.2 training.  Well I've gotten some new shoe inserts (metatarsal pads) so hopefully I'll be back on track.
Question for the week can I get myself in shape to run with just a job bra?  (That's my new goal, well outside of the 26.2.)

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